Different types of trees

There are many different types of trees, but some of the most common ones include:

  • Binary trees: A binary tree is a tree where each node can have at most two children.
  • Binary search trees: A binary search tree is a binary tree where the data in each node is sorted in a specific order.
  • N-ary trees: An n-ary tree is a tree where each node can have any number of children.
  • Heaps: A heap is a special type of binary tree where the children of each node are always larger (or smaller) than the node itself.

Examples in JavaScript:

  • A binary tree can be implemented using the TreeNode class.
  • A binary search tree can be implemented using the BinarySearchTree class.
  • An n-ary tree can be implemented using the NaryTreeNode class.
  • A heap can be implemented using the Heap class.


  • Binary trees: Binary trees are a simple and efficient way to store data. They are often used in applications like compilers and sorting algorithms.
  • Binary search trees: Binary search trees are a special type of binary tree where the data in each node is sorted in a specific order. This makes them very efficient for searching for data.
  • N-ary trees: N-ary trees are a more general type of tree than binary trees. They can be used to store data that has a more complex hierarchy.
  • Heaps: Heaps are a special type of binary tree that is used to store data in a priority queue. This means that the data in the heap is always sorted in order of priority.